Import Control System 2 (ICS2)
The new EU custom data collection system (ICS2) is coming into effect for air transport – find out more and avoid delays or fines!
15 customs changes between the EU and the UK
Get information about the 15 changes at the customs level before the entry into force of the Brexit without agreement on January 1, 2021.
Free Trade Agreement between EU and Vietnam
Take advantage of the trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam that will mean the elimination of 99% of tariffs on your exports to Vietnam.
10 changes under the New Customs Code
Find out about the new UCC which simplifies customs procedures, requires certain conditions to be met and affects international trade operators.
Enabling a Stronger Logistics Presence in Sines, Portugal
Our logistics operations in Sines, Portugal now have a new home. TIBA's recently opened offices in Sines are in close proximity to the Friopuerto’s coldstore facility.
EORI at Portugal
The EORI number is unique throughout the EU, assigned by a customs authority in a Member State to economic operators for Customs purposes. See more.
EORI – Economic Operator Registration Identification Number
Obtain or register your EORI in Spain. Why do you need an EORI number?, Who assigns an EORI number?
Outward processing procedure
¿Qué es el Régimen Aduanero de Perfeccionamiento Pasivo? Descubre que ventajas te puede aportar en tus operaciones de comercio exterior y cómo solicitarlo.
Inward Processing Procedure
Permite importar mercancía, perfeccionarla y reexportarla quedando exenta del pago de aranceles e IVA. Descubre cómo solicitar la autorización
End-use procedure
Qué es el régimen aduanero de destinos especiales??? Asesorate en las mercancías sujetas a destinos especiales. Contacta con nosotros