Our vision and goal is to “make the logistics world the best experience”. To this end, it is not only important to have the oft-preached culture of effort, but also to conduct business in accordance with ethical and compliance guidelines, i.e. to act within the framework of an ethical business culture according to a common compliance programme for all..
At TIBA, we have a culture of ethics and compliance, the result of a collective and individual effort by all of us who constitute the company. Acting ethically and legally is up to each of us.
In this context, we have had a Compliance Programme since 2020 that establishes the actions guidelines that must be followed.
We have a Code of Ethics and Conduct which, in addition to setting out the values of our organisation, also regulates the principles that should guide our daily activities.This is why we invite you to read our Code of Ethics and Conduct, making you part of our culture and values.
Furthermore, with the clear objective of being able to know and detect any element that hinders the effectiveness of our Compliance Programme, we have set up an internal Ethics and Compliance Channel through which TIBA members can report any possible irregular conduct that may have been committed in the course of our activity.
We also have a set of Policies and Protocols that implement the principles and values proclaimed in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, such as the Anti-Corruption Policy and the Prevention of Money Laundering Policy. We also have the position of Chief Compliance Officer, who is the person in charge of implementing and supervising the correct functioning of the Corporate Compliance Programme.