Binding Tariff Information – IAV

What is a bti or binding tariff information document?

A BTI is a document issued by the customs authorities upon the request of the importer/exporter, in which a precise tariff classification for your goods is specified giving you legal certainty that your goods are being dispatched with the correct classification. The document can be presented to any European Community customs authority during a period of three years.

The details of your BTI will be submitted to the European Commission in Brussels to be included in the European BTI database which is accessible to the member states’ customs authorities.

How can a company apply for a bti?

There is an official BTI application form which will be completed by TIBA for each type of goods you specify. The BTI application must be submitted along with a representative sample (you can request the return of the sample on the same form) or technical documentation identifying your goods. You will therefore need to supply TIBA with this documentation and/or the sample along with a signed and stamped official application form.

If you would like advice on the process involved in obtaining a BTI, and customs clearance once you have obtained a BTI, please contact us.

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